directed by: Shlomo Slutzky & Tomer Slutzky

director: Shlomo Slutzky & Tomer Slutzky
producer: Shlomo Slutzky, Rodolfo Duran
cinematographer: Tomer Slutzky
screenwriter: Orit Ronell

runtime: 72min
language: Hebrew, Spanish
Year of Production: 2022
Countries of Production: Israel \ Argentina
International Sales Agent: Go2Films

How far will my father go to catch an Argentinean criminal against humanity living in Israel, protected by local authorities?

Tomer Slutzky, accompanies the "quixotic" attempts of his father, Shlomo, to extradite to Argentina Anibal Gauto, suspected of crimes against humanity during the Dictatorship in Argentina of the 70's. Together they discover that Gauto is' protected by the Israeli authorities for suspicious interests and secrets to be safeguarded.
Tomer follows his father with an affectionate but also sobering and critical view, from the halls of the supreme court to his father’s hospital bed side, together they seek justice, and maybe also closure for a chapter in Shlomo’s previous homeland, Argentina which he left long ago, and never put behind.


How far will my father go to catch an Argentinean criminal against humanity living in Israel, protected by local authorities?

Tomer Slutzky, accompanies the "quixotic" attempts of his father, Shlomo, to extradite to Argentina Anibal Gauto, suspected of crimes against humanity during the Dictatorship in Argentina of the 70's. Together they discover that Gauto is' protected by the Israeli authorities for suspicious interests and secrets to be safeguarded.
Tomer follows his father with an affectionate but also sobering and critical view, from the halls of the supreme court to his father’s hospital bed side, together they seek justice, and maybe also closure for a chapter in Shlomo’s previous homeland, Argentina which he left long ago, and never put behind.

Watch the video


Virtual Cinema 17
10/02 / 13:30